My Journey Continues

>> Sunday, January 17, 2010

I have decided to continue my journey into the world of the Deaf this year of 2010. I am enrolling for Filipino Sign Language classes (Level 2) next week and look forward to ten or so Saturdays of learning Filipino Sign Language, interacting with the Deaf and hopefully ridding myself of shyness to practice signing. Hopefully, I will also get to interact with other deaf people, not just CSB students.

I started out in this journey because I was advocating Baby Sign Language for hearing babies. Jaymie Pizarro's classes were a tad expensive for my tastes so it was really kismet that i'd learn that De la Salle - College of St. Benilde was holding affordable FSL classes as part of their advocacy. Who knows, maybe someday, I will get to teach the same with them.

My dream right now is to bring beloved tales to deaf children as signed stories. But there is that obstacle of not having every deaf child learning FSL. But still, I trust that this is a step in the right direction.


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